Kevin Boone

December 2024

They don't make them like that any more: the Yamaha DX7 keyboard

Nothing says '80s pop' like a DX7.

Categories: TDMTLTAM, science

How to write a technical or scientific report

Some guidance, mostly for science and engineering students, on how to write a scientific paper or technical report. I've updated this article slightly since I wrote it thirty years ago, to deal with the rise in web-based publication. But, frankly, I think that similar standards should apply to electronic and print reporting.

Categories: education

Ten steps to becoming a Linux snob

There was a time when merely being a Linux user set you apart from the common herd. These days, with Linux so ubiquitous, you'll need to take additional steps to make yourself out as one of the elite.

Categories: Linux

They don't make them like that any more: Epson MX-80 dot matrix printer

There was a time when we didn't hate printers. Unfortunately, it was forty years ago.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make them like that any more: Sony PRS-500 e-reader

In a market dominated by the Amazon Kindle, it's easy to forget that Sony, not Amazon, made the first commercially-successful e-book reader.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: things you can switch off

How worried should we be, that we're wasting electrical energy for no benefit?

Categories: TDMTLTAM, science and technology

Wayland from the ground up

Wayland isn't new, but many of us have been able to avoid it until recently. With many Linux distributions now pushing Wayland hard -- even for the Raspberry Pi -- it's getting harder to justify ignoring it. This article is for people who have been hoping until now that Wayland will go away, particularly X developers, and don't know much about how it works

Categories: Linux

Using Windows is like smoking (?)

As the Microsoft Windows user experience continues to worsen, what should Linux advocates do?

Categories: general computing, Linux