Kevin Boone


They don't make 'em like that any more: Archos 605 media player/recorder

You think Apple was an innovator in the world of personal media players? Think again.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: Blackberry Bold 9700

The Bold 9700 was a premium cellphone from a company at the top of its game. Does it merit the fawning reviews it collected in 2009?

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: a paean to the Cowon D2 DAB

The Cowon D2 DAB was a media player ahead of its time. There was nothing like it in 2005, and there still isn't.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: NVIDIA Shield K1 tablet

Despite its low initial price, the Shield K1 continues to put modern Android tablets to shame.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make them like that any more: Garmin Nuvi 300

One of the earliest mass-market car satnav units, the Garmin Nuvi 300 still has features that modern devices lack. Why is that?

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: The Philips Pronto remote control

The Pronto offers a salutary lesson in how an excellent product can die, leaving a gaping hole in the market that nobody wants to fill.

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make them like that any more: the Quad 306 amplifier

The elegant simplicity and serviceability of this compact power ampliifer has given it an enthusiastic following for nearly forty years.

Categories: TDMTLTAM, hifi

They don't make them like that any more: the Xircom REX 6000 PDA

The REX was the world's first, and last, credit-card-sized personal computing device. Why did it fail?

Categories: TDMTLTAM

They don't make them like that any more: the slide rule

This simple analog computer has served humanity for more than four centuries. Shouldn't we try to preserve it?

Categories: mathematics, TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: Borland Turbo Pascal 7

Why half a million people learned to program in Pascal, when you'd think they had no earthly reason to.

Categories: TDMTLTAM, retrocomputing

They don't make 'em like that any more: how the Vectrex almost revolutionized video gaming

The Vectrex used an entirely novel display technology that was superior to the TV-based displays of the time. Why didnt it catch on?

Categories: TDMTLTAM

Why is there a vinyl revival?

Why are sales of vinyl records increasing, when digital streaming services provide access to almost any recording ever made, in superior technical quality?

Categories: hifi, TDMTLTAM

They don't make 'em like that any more: the Lenovo W520

In praise of an iconic laptop computer.

Categories: TDMTLTAM