Kevin Boone

Curriculum vitae

After nearly forty years in and around the computing and engineering industries, I have now retired. I am no longer seeking regular employment, but I remain open to the possibility of interesting, short-term freelance and consulting work.

About me

I'm a broadly-educated software developer, electronic engineer, and teacher, with nearly forty years' hands-on experience – originally in the medical sector (I'm a patent-holder in medical imaging), but more recently in general IT. I've worked with programming languages as diverse as Ladder Diagram Language (back in the '80s), Fortran, and Prolog; but most of my work has been with C/C++ and Java. I've designed electronic equipment ranging in size from artificial heart pacemakers to industrial switchgear. I've written dozens of scientific papers and a couple of books.

When I'm not working I'm usually managing the family woodland, playing music (I'm a workmanlike classical pianist and singer), or supporting outdoor events for a number of national charities.


Posts held


I hold university qualifications in engineering, law, teaching, music, and life sciences.

Accreditation and membership

Selected Publications

A full list of my academic publications is available on request.