
Was there ever a golden age of the apostrophe, when everybody used it the same? No.
Categories: education

I frequently have to read documents that look as if the writer was given a bag of capital letters, and told to use them all up. Like many aspects of English, capitalization has few rules that are set in stone; but there are some conventions that serious writers ought to keep in mind.
Categories: education

Advice for students on how to do well in university level examinations, fairly and honestly. There are no secrets here, but it's amazing how many students do less well than they should because they haven't understood how university teaching works.
Categories: education

Misrepresentations of scale are common in the literature of organizations that seek to deceive. However, it's sometimes difficult, or unhelpful, to draw diagrams to scale. This article tries to explain the difference between benign and pernicious distortions of scale. I'm picking on the flat-earthers for the purposes of illustration, but the presentational devices they use are common in business and politics as well.
Categories: science and technology, education, snake oil

Some guidance, mostly for students, on how to make a scientific or technical presentation.
Categories: education

Some guidance, mostly for science and engineering students, on how to write a scientific paper or technical report. I've updated this article slightly since I wrote it thirty years ago, to deal with the rise in web-based publication. But, frankly, I think that similar standards should apply to electronic and print reporting.
Categories: education

There's no shortage of guidance on writing English that people will want to read. In science and technology, however, can we apply the same guidelines without losing information?
Categories: education

We only see one face of the moon from the Earth, and that isn't a coincidence. The same process that causes this effect also affects other celestial bodies, often in more interesting ways.
Categories: science and technology, education

Why was the non-existent planet Vulcan so frequently sighted by astronomers in the nineteenth century, and what can contemporary scientists and science students learn from this episode?
Categories: science and technology, education