Kevin Boone

February 2025

Fun with capital letters

I frequently have to read documents that look as if the writer was given a bag of capital letters, and told to use them all up. Like many aspects of English, capitalization has few rules that are set in stone; but there are some conventions that serious writers ought to keep in mind.

Categories: education

Social media: it's not me, it's you

It's not my fault that my avoidance of social media makes me hard to contact. It's your fault for letting yourself become hooked on it.

Categories: degoogling, security

No good deed goes unpunished: can we now be sued over software we give away?

For too long, mega-corporations have been able to avoid liability for defective software. But will upcoming changes to the law adversely affect those who distribute open-source software free-of-charge?

Categories: general computing, security

ARM assembly-language programming for the Raspberry Pi

A series of simple, progressive examples that demonstrate the essential features of programming in ARM assembly language.

Categories: Raspberry Pi, software development, embedded computing, assembly