March 2024

Artix is a low-resource Linux that can be configured to run well on old, low-powered computer hardware. In this article, I describe my first attempts at setting it up.
Categories: general computing, Linux

Using Linux date calculations to displaying a running countdown time in the terminal.
Categories: Linux, command-line hacking

Many of the standard Java APIs make extensive use of anonymous inner classes, to provide features that in other language would be provided using lambda functions or closures. However, anonymous inner classes have limitations that many developers find difficult to understand and to work with. This article explains why this is the case.
Categories: software development, Java

Encryption of home directories is out of favour in modern Linux distributions, but it offers some compelling advantages over the alternatives, if used with care.
Categories: Linux

Camel's IRC support makes it relatively easy to implement an IRC conversation agent, that can process IRC messages and produce responses.
Categories: software development, Java, middleware

There are relatively few good reasons for writing C code without using a standard C library. However, doing so provides valuable insights into how compilers and operating systems work, and is worth doing if only for its educational value.
Categories: software development, C, embedded computing