February 2023

Using the Linux framebuffer in C/C++ -- just the essentials

The absolute minimum information needed to start using the Linux framebuffer as a graphical display in C/C++ applications.

Categories: software development, C, Linux, embedded computing

Using the Linux framebuffer in C/C++ -- just the essentials (part 2)

This article continues my original framebuffer just the essentials article, by describing how to handle less straightforward framebuffer configurations.

Categories: software development, C, Linux, embedded computing

Differential equations: how does separation of variables really work?

'Separation of variables' is one of the first methods usually taught to math and engineering students for solving differential equations, and yet the method as taught is mathematically very sloppy. That's not to say it doesn't work, but rather that it isn't made clear why it works, and whether similar methods will work elsewhere. This article attempts to treat the subject with a bit of mathematical rigour. We end up exactly where we started but, perhaps, with a bit more insight.

Categories: mathematics