June 2022

The Apache ActiveMQ Artemis message broker holds out the possibility of real shared-nothing replication. The problem, though, lies in coordinating the active and passive brokers in the cluster. This article describes the new active/passive management framework, and how to use Apache Zookeeper as the source of authority on cluster roles.
Categories: middleware

This article describes how to write a trivial program for Linux using no compiler tools at all, but entering machine language directly in hexadecimal. Because we can.
Categories: software development, Linux

Sometimes it's helpful to be able to create an executable program that embeds all the data it needs, and provide that data as files. C/C++ do not provide any standard way to do this, but GCC has facilities that the developer can use.
Categories: software development, C

It isn't often that coding theory can be used to evaluate a claim of a UFO encounter. Here is one instance where it can.
Categories: science and technology, mathematics

In praise of an iconic laptop computer.
Categories: TDMTLTAM