Getting started with Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams is a Java library and framework for creating applications that consume, process, and return Apache Kafka messages. It’s conceptually similar to Apache Camel, but tightly coupled to Kafka, and optimized for the kinds of operations that Kakfa clients typically do. Kafka Streams is therefore less flexible than Camel, but probably makes it easier to do Kafka-related things. Camel has a Kafka client of its own, so an alternative to Kafka Streams would be to write a Camel application with Kafka producers and consumers.

There’s no need to understand Camel to follow this article. However, because Camel and Kafka Streams have broadly similar applications, I’ll point out similarities and differences from time to time.

In this article I describe step-by-step how to deploy and run a trivial Kafka Streams application, from the ground up. I’ll use nothing but command-line tools and a text editor so, I hope, it’s clear what’s going on.

The article is a somewhat expanded version of the first step of the official Kafka Streams tutorial, and begins with the same applcation. It then expands this application to do some simple data processing. All the Pipe application does is copy from one Kafka topic to another. This is shown conceptually in the diagram below.

A conceptual diagram of the ‘Hello World’ of Kafka Streams applications

I’ll explain what a ‘topology’ is shortly.

Anatomy of a simple Kafka Streams application

With a few exceptions, which I hope are obvious, when I don’t give package names for Java classes, they are in the package org.apache.kafka.streams.

Running a basic Kafka Streams applications amounts to instantiating KafkaStreams object, and calling start() on it. The start method will not exit until something in the application causes it to stop.

The sequence of processing steps that the application performs is called, in Kafka Streams jargon, a ‘topology’. A Streams topology is broadly similar to a Camel ‘context’ with a single ‘route’.

So if we have defined a toplogy, coding a basic Streams application looks like this:

Topology topology = ...
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "streams-pipe");
props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
// Set other properties...

KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams (topology, props);

There are many properties that might need to be set, but in almost all cases you’ll need to set the application ID and the bootstrap server – this, of course, identifies the Kafka broker(s) the application will make first contact with.

The interesting part of programming Kafka Streams is defining the toplogy. More on that later, once we’ve set everything up.


In this article I assume that the reader has a working Kafka installation. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a simple, local installation with one broker, or a complex deployment with multiple brokers in the cloud. However, I’m assuming that you have a way to run the usual command-line utilities like If you’re running a Linux installation, you probably just need to

cd /opt/kafka

or wherever the installation is. In a Kubernetes environment you’ll probably have to log into a running Kafka broker pod to get to the necessary binaries, or install Kafka locally as well.

In any case, in the commands in this article, I assume that Kafka is running on my development workstation and, where I need a Kafka bootstrap address, it will always be localhost:9092.

To follow this example (and any of the official Kafka tutorials) you’ll need Maven, or an IDE tool that can understand Maven pom.xml files. Of course you’ll need a Java compiler – anything from Java 1.8 onwards should work fine.

Installing the sample application

Kafka provides a Maven archetype for constructing a trivial Kafka Streams application. Use the archetype like this:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.kafka \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=streams-quickstart-java \
    -DarchetypeVersion=3.6.1 \
    -DgroupId=me.kevinboone.apacheintegration \
    -DartifactId=kstreams_test \
    -Dversion=0.1 \

I’ve used my own names here; of course you can use any names you like. In this example, the application will be installed into the directory kstreams_test.

The generated code will include a Maven pom.xml, some logging configuration, and a few Java sources. We will be working with which, if you ran the Maven archetype as I did, will be in


Other than and pom.xml, none of the other files generated by the archetype are relevant in this example.

Important: If you aren’t using Eclipse, edit the generated pom.xml and comment out the configuration for the Eclipse JDT compiler:


If you look at pom.xml, you’ll see the only dependency needed for a basic Kafka Streams application:


Of course, this package has many sub-dependencies, including the ordinary Kafka Java client.

The version of the Kafka Streams library need not be the same as that of the Kafka installation itself. Of course, there are advantages to assuming that you use the latest versions of both.

Setting up Kafka

The documentation is clear that Kafka topics used by a streams application must be created administratively. The explanation given is that topics might be shared between multiple applications, which might make different assumptions about their structure. This is true of non-Streams applications as well but, whether the explanation is convincing, a Kafka Streams application will not auto-create topics even if Kafka is set up to allow it.

So we’ll need to create the topics that the sample application uses:

bin/ --create \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --replication-factor 1 \
    --partitions 1 \
    --topic streams-plaintext-input

bin/ --create \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --replication-factor 1 \
    --partitions 1 \
    --topic streams-pipe-output 

Looking at the topology

The Pipe application defines its topology like this:

StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();"streams-plaintext-input")

Topology topology =;

This is an example of what has become known as the “fluent builder” pattern – each method call on the ‘builder’ object returns another builder object which can have other methods called on it. So the specification of the topology amounts to a chain of method calls. This will become clearer, if it is not already, with more complex examples.

Note Apache Camel also provides a ‘fluent builder’ method for defining Camel routes. Unlike Camel, however, a Streams topology can’t have multiple to(...) elements. Streams can send messages to multiple targets, but not like that.

First run

We’ll need a Kafka producer and consumer to see the application doing anything. We’ll send messages to the topic streams-plaintext-input, and consume them from streams-pipe-output. The application should pipe messages from the one topic to the other.

A simple way to send and receive messages is to run the simple Kafka console tools in two different sessions:

./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic streams-pipe-output
./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic streams-plaintext-input

I run the Pipe application like this:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=me.kevinboone.apacheintegration.kstreams_test.Pipe

With the application running, anything typed into the message producer utility should appear at the message consumer. If it does, well done, the Streams application is working.

Adding a simple transformation

Let’s extend the trivial Streams topology to performa a simple transformation – converting textual input to lower case.

Change the line"streams-plaintext-input")...

to: ("streams-plaintext-input")
  .mapValues (value->((String)value).toLowerCase())
  .to ("streams-pipe-output");

We’ve inserted a call to mapValues() between the message consumptin and production.

mapValues is a method that is defined to take one parameter, which implements the ValueMapper interface. This interface has one method, that takes one argument and returns one return value. The lamda expression


satisfies this interface, because it implicitly defines a method with one parameter and one return value.

mapValues() is broadly similar to Camel’s process(). However, Kafka Streams also has a process() method with a slightly different purpose.

In short, mapValues() provides a Kafka message body to an expression, and sets the new message body to the result of the expression.

The Kafka Streams API relies heavily on generic types and lambda expressions. If you’re not familiar with how these work in Java, it might be worth brushing up before digging into Kafka Streams beyond the ‘Hello, World’ level.

When you run this example, and messages sent to streams-plaintext-input should appear on streams-pipe-output in only lower case.

Kafka messages form key-value pairs. This example does not transform, or even see, message keys. There is a map() method that operates on keys, as well as message bodies.

Adding some simple logging

Perhaps we want to trace the way that a message is transformed in the execution of a topology. To do that, we’ll need to ‘see’ the message body, but not change it. We can use the peek() method for that. ("streams-plaintext-input")
  .peek ((key,value)->System.out.println ("before: " + value))
  .mapValues (value->((String)value).toLowerCase())
  .peek ((key,value)->System.out.println ("after: " + value))
  .to ("streams-pipe-output");

The peek() method takes a paramter of type ForeachAction, which is an interface that specifies a single method that takes two values, and returns nothing (void). To satisfy this interface, our lambda expression must take two arguments:

  .peek ((key,value)->...)

and call a method which returns void (as println() does).

In this case, I’m only displaying the message body, so I don’t need the key argument; but it has to be present, even if only as a placeholder, or the lambda expression won’t match the interface.

Because the interface method is defined to return void, the right-hand side of the lambda’s -> must be a method call that is defined to return void as well. So the peek() method does not allow an expression that modifies the key or the value.

When you run this example, you should see some logging output from the application, something like this:

before: Hello, World!
after: hello, world!

Duplicating and filtering the message stream

In this section I’ll describe some simple message processing operations that could be added to the basic Streams application.

I’m not giving explicit instructions on running these examples: the changes are in the same part of the code as all those above and, I hope, the results will be reasonably clear.

If we want to duplicate a message to multiple topics, we can’t do this: ("input")
  .to ("output1")
  .to ("output2");

The to() method is terminal in the fluent builder – it doesn’t return anything we can call further methods on. This is, perhaps, a little disconcerting to Camel programmers, because the Camel builder does allow it.

We can, however, do this, which has the same effect:

KStream ks ="streams-plaintext-input");"streams-pipe-output");"streams-pipe-output-long");

This topology defintion will take the input from streams-plaintext-input and send it to both streams-pipe-output and streams-pipe-output-long. The reason for the -long naming should become clear shortly.

It won’t always matter, but it’s worth bearing in mind that this method of splitting the stream duplicates the message keys as well as the values.

Rather than a straight duplication, we can filter the messages, so that some go to one topic, and some to others. In the example below, messages whose bodies are ten characters in length or shorter go to streams-pipe-output-long, while others go to streams-pipe-output.

KStream<String,String> ks ="streams-plaintext-input");
ks.filter((key,value)->(value.length() <= 10).to ("streams-pipe-output");
ks.filter((key,value)->(value.length() > 10).to ("streams-pipe-output-long");

The filter() method takes a lambda expression that evaluates to a boolean value – true to forward the message, false to drop it.

When it comes to dynamic routing, that is, routing messages to topics whose names are determined at runtime, it’s easy to make the same mistake that Camel developers often make.

Suppose I want to route messages to a topic whose name depends on (say) the current date. I have a method getDateString() that returns the date in a suitable format. It’s tempting to write something like this:

KStream<String,String> ks ="streams-plaintext-input");
  .to ("streams-pipe-output_" + getDateString());

This fails, for reasons that are not obvious. The reason it fails is that the fluent builder pattern creates a topology only once. It may well executes for the life of the application, but all the data it needs to execute has to be provided at start-up time. The getDateString() method will be executed only once and, though the date changes, the argument to the to() was evaluated only once.

Kafka Streams has a way around this problem (as Camel does). Rather than initializing the to() method with a string, we initialize it with a TopicExtractor. In practice, it seems to be common to use a lambda expression to do this, rather than writing a class that implements the TopicExtractor interface explicitly. So we could do this:

KStream<String,String> ks ="streams-plaintext-input");
  .to ((key, value, context)->"streams-pipe-output_" + getDateString());

The lamba expression (which results in a specific method call on a TopicExtractor) is executed for each message, not just at start-up.

KStream<String,String> ks ="streams-plaintext-input");
  .branch ( (key,value)->(value.length() > 10),
      (stream-> ("streams-pipe-output-long")) )
  .defaultBranch ( 
      (stream-> ("streams-pipe-output")) );

Closing remarks

It’s probably not a surprise that this article only scratches the surface of the Kafka Streams API, which is extensive. on stateful operations, stream merging, partition and key management, error handling, etc., etc. place to start. In Part 2 I’ll tackle the first of these – the stateful operations of counting and aggregation.