Using Apache Avro for passing Java objects through a message broker
Passing structured data, such as instances of Java or C++ classes,
across network infrastructure
has long been a significant problem in
information technology. We have programming languages that allow us to
represent highly complex structured data but, in the
end, we communicate this data by flattening it into a
byte stream, and then converting it back again. Doing this in an efficient,
secure way has long been problematic, and adding the requirement for
cross-platform and cross-language compatibility makes for a very
difficult software engineering exercise.
Probably the best-known, general-purpose, structurerd data representation format is XML. XML is human-readable -- up to a point -- and portable, and can be validated for correctness against a schema. However, it's very inefficient in its use of storage and network bandwidth. JSON is also widely-used; like XML, it's human readable, and not hugely efficient. At the opposite end of the portability and security spectrum is Java's built-in serialization mechanism. It's easy to use, and is built right into the JVM (for the time being, at least) but it's raised many security concerns over the years. Java serialization has no means of validation, and it's very difficult to handle situations where Java applications change, but they need to continue to exchange the same data.
JMS is a Java API for passing messages through some sort of message
broker or router. It has built-in support for Java primitive data
types -- String
, int
, etc. -- but no support
for structured data. To pass Java objects using JMS, the objects must
be flattened to a byte array. So using JMS does nothing to help with
passing structured data, even in an all-Java environment, unless you
want to rely on the JVM's built-in serialization; and nobody does.
Apache Avro is a set of tools for serializing structured objects into a flattened representation, suitable for storing on disk or passing over a network. There are implementations for several different programming languages, although Java is probably the most widely-used. Avro is schema-based, and offers a well-defined way to pass common data between different applications that might themselves change. Avro is very compact, compared to XML, but not at all readable -- Avro data can really only be interpreted by Avro-compatible applications.
Avro offers an effective method for passing structured Java objects
through a message broker using JMS. The basic principle, as I'll explain,
is to use Avro to serialize Java objects into arrays of bytes, that can
be stored in a JMS BytesMessage
object. Avro is also widely
used with Apache Kafka, but that's for another day.
There are many published examples of using Avro to serialize data to files using its built-in I/O handlers. However, there's very little documentation about using it with messaging systems other than Kafka. Kafka's built-in support for Avro hides much of the complexity, and that doesn't make Avro itself any easier to understand.
In this article, I'll explain how to use Avro in what seems to me to be the simplest possible way, to pass objects of a single Java class from a sender to a receiver via a message broker. I'll explain what's going on in the Avro API, how the schema is handled, and what data ends up being passed over the network. Full source code of the example is available in my GitHub repository.
To run the example you'll need an AMQP (1.x)-compatible message broker, like Apache Artemis, or the Red Hat product based on it, AMQ 7. The example uses the Qpid JMS library to provide AMQP support. It's not very difficult to modify the code to use a different messaging protocol than AMQP, but I've chosen AMQP 1.x because it's now so widespread.
I'm assuming that the reader is reasonably familiar with Java middleware development, and particularly with the use of Maven. As in all my articles, I'll be using nothing more complex than command-line tools and a text editor to create the application.
About the example
For the purposes of demonstration, my example
uses a Java class that models
the properties of cartoon bears (because why not?) The Bear
class itself is generated from an Avro schema, which I'll describe later.
Avro schemas can be very complex, but mine is about as simple as I can
make it. The sender
application creates various instances
of class Bear
, serializes then using Avro, and posts them
to a named queue in the message broker.
The receiver
application waits for messages from the same
queue on the broker and, when each is received, it deserializes it back
to an instance of class Bear
Both the sender and receiver have to work with the same schema (or, at least, compatible schemas) and, for simplicity, mine is stored in a simple JSON file. In practice, it's increasingly common to use some sort of registry to hold these schemas, so that distributed applications always have access to matching schemas. Note that, unlike XML or JSON, Avro won't work at all without a schema -- not only is this important from a security point of view, it allows for a very compact data representation, as I'll demonstrate later.
Basic principles
There are many ways to use Avro. In this article I'll be using two particular
Avro classes: SpecificDatumWriter
. These serialize and deserialize individual
instances of a particular Java class. From a JMS perspective, I'll be
using instances of javax.jms.BytesMessage
to hold the
flattened byte arrays. BytesMessage
is a generic message type,
that is not interpreted or understood by the JMS system itself; it's
just a carrier for application-specific data.
My application uses Maven to build the executables, as most Java applications now do. There is a specific Maven plug-in that generates Java classes from the Avro schema, as I'll explain later. However, I do need to stress that this code generation is not a necessary step -- Avro requires that the Java classes match the schema, but it doesn't require that they were generated specifically from the schema.
The schema
My application works with objects of class Bear
, which is
structured essentially like this:
public class Bear { CharSequence name; CharSequence location; //... public CharSequence getName() {...} public void setName (CharSequence name) {...} public CharSequence getLocation() {...} public void setLocation(CharSequence location) {...} //... }
However, my example generates the class from an Avro schema, which looks like this:
{ "namespace": "net.kevinboone.apacheintegration.avrotest", "type": "record", "name": "Bear", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "location", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] }
I hope that the connection between the schema and the Java class is relatively clear. Obviously, both will probably be much more complex in a real application.
I think it's somewhat ironic that Avro, a serialization tool, uses JSON -- a competing serialization format -- for its schemas. That's the disadvantage, I guess, of Avro's use of a serialized format that is not human-readable.
My application uses a Maven plug-in to turn the schema into a Java class
(or, in a real application, a set of classes). The plug-in is set up
in pom.xml
like this:
<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.avro</groupId> <artifactId>avro-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.10.1</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>schema</goal> </goals> <configuration> <sourceDirectory>${project.basedir}/..</sourceDirectory> <outputDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/main/java/</outputDirectory> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
Because I'm using the same schema for both the sender
modules, the schema file bear.avsc
place in the directory above both the modules. Therefore
the sourceDirectory
element in the plug-in
points at the directory above the one that contains the module's code.
The plug-in will read .avsc
files from this directory,
and write java to src/main/java
, so it will end up alongside
the main Java code for the module. The schema namespace ends up as a Java
package name, and the schema name as a class name. So my generated class
will be net.kevinboone.apacheintegration.avrotest.Bear
The sender
In the sender, I create various instances of class Bear
like this.
Bear paddington = new Bear(); paddington.setName ("Paddington"); paddington.setLocation ("32 Windsor Gardens");
Let's see how to convert paddington
to a byte array.
The first step is to load the schema from its JSON file. In practice, we might be loading it from some kind of registry, but in this example it's just a file on disk.
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse (new File (SCHEMA_FILE));
From the schema we create an Avro SpecificDatumWriter
intended for a particular class:
bearDatumWriter = new SpecificDatumWriter<Bear>(schema);
The SpecificDatumWriter
knows how to convert the Java object,
but it doesn't, by itself, know how to write the result. For that we
need to create a BinaryEncoder
, that knows how to write
binary data. The encoder is linked to an OutputStream
, like
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryEncoder encoder = null; encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder (out, encoder);
Notice that the factory method that creates a BinaryEncoder
take an existing instance of BinaryEncoder
as input. If
this is null
, as it will be when the program starts, then
a new instance is created. Thereafter, the factory will just re-initialize
the existing encoder with a new stream, rather than creating a new one.
This is important in a practical application, because creating these
artefacts is costly, and they can use substantial memory.
Now, we use the encoder and the datum writer together, to encode each object:
bearDatumWriter.write (bear, encoder); encoder.flush(); byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); out.close();
What we're left with is a byte array bytes
that contains
the Avro representation of the data in the paddington
object. We can pass this to the message broker by putting the
byte array in a BytesMessage
MessageProducer producer = //... BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage (); message.writeBytes (bytes); producer.send (message);
and the message is away. I'm not describing the JMS part of the process in much detail here, because this article is primarily about Avro. There are many examples of sending simple messages using JMS.
One point to note, though: the Avro SpecificDatumWriter
most efficiently when it's fed a stream of objects to convert. In my
example, we have to flush the encoder and re-initialize it for each
message. I'm assuming that we want to pass objects one-at-a-time over
JMS, with each object being a separate object. However, there's no
problem with placing multiple objects in the same JMS message, if the
application allows for this, and it will use Avro more efficiently.
The receiver
You probably won't be surprised to find that receiving is the mirror opposite of sending. We read the schema as before, and then create a datum reader object from it:
bearDatumReader = new SpecificDatumReader<Bear>(schema);
This, of course, is the counterpart of SpecificDatumWriter
Then we wait for a JMS message, which arrives in the form of a
BytesMessage. We unpack the byte array from it like this:
BytesMessage message = (BytesMessage)consumer.receive(); byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)message.getBodyLength()]; message.readBytes (bytes);
Now we'll decode the byte array, using a BinaryDecoder
, which
is the counterpart of the BinaryEncoder
we used for writing.
decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder (message, decoder); Bear bear = (null, decoder); // Process the Java object...
As with the sender implementation, we re-initialize the decoder for each new message. Re-initializing it is more efficient than creating a new one but, if the application allows, passing a number of objects in the same message is more efficient still.
Avro on the wire
Here's a hex dump of the actual binary data that is encoded by Avro, and sent to the message broker.
0000000 14 50 61 64 64 69 6e 67 74 6f 6e 00 24 33 32 20 |.Paddington.$32 | 00000010 57 69 6e 64 73 6f 72 20 47 61 72 64 65 6e 73 |Windsor Gardens|
The text strings are understandable -- they are just UTF-8 encoded. There's a small amount of binary data to indicate the type and role of the data fields. A very small amount. In a more complex data structure, more scaffolding information will needed, but the Avro representation will always be more compact than XML or JSON.
To a large extent, it's the use of the schema that makes Avro so compact. When we write complex data using XML or JSON, the data carries its own structure, to a large extent. Each object that is sent will contain information about field names, and the nesting of the elements will reflect the nesting of the original data. There's no straightforward way to tell, just from an Avro byte dump, what the structure of the underlying Java objects is -- that's where the schema is required.
That wasn't so bad, was it? The good thing is that it doesn't get any more complicated (for the developer), however complex the data structure is. Moreover, it's relatively straightforward to pass data between different programming languages, because the Avro data format is language-independent.
Unlike XML and JSON, Avro is fully dependent on a schema for all the data it sends and receives -- the data is meaningless without the schema. This makes Avro well-suited for machine-to-machine communication of objects whose structure is known in advance. It also makes it difficult to break a receiving application by sending it carefully-crafted, invalid data. This was certainly not true for Java serialization. That is, Avro is comparatively good at ensuring that the data is meaningful at both ends of the communication channel.
The reliance on a schema, and the need for all parties to a transaction to see the same schema, means that centralizing schema storage is a pressing concern. To do this, we might use a schema registry like Apicurio. I outline how to do that in this article.