Kevin Boone

Does the use of custom Android ROMs improve or worsen security?

logo In another article I described my experiments with removing Google, and other organizations that profit from the surveillance economy, from my life. Part of that process was replacing the vendor's Android on my smartphone and tablets with a 'custom ROM' -- in my case Lineage OS. Lineage is based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and is itself open source. In addition, I run only open-source apps on my devices now.

The term 'custom ROM' is a misnomer, of course -- no actual ROM is involved. I use it, with reluctance, to refer to a non-vendor operating system installation, because everybody else does.

My cellphone and tablets contain sensitive data. Some of it this has obvious significance -- confidential documents and such-like -- but I also have stored credentials and passwords, cached by apps.

It's reasonable to ask, I think, whether installing a custom ROM improves the security of my devices, or reduces it.

In this article I'm only considering the security implications of using a custom ROM. My related decision to use only open-source apps also has security implications, but I won't be discussing this point further.

Why is there a problem?

Let's start with the obvious one: there's no way to ensure that the custom ROM is itself trustworthy. If you download an operating system image, it could literally contain anything. Can you be sure there aren't secret key-loggers embedded in the code, for example?

It seems to me that the only way to exercise any level of control here is to use custom ROMs that are open source, created by people or organizations with a long record of good behaviour. Ideally, you would build the ROM from the source code yourself, although this is often a complex, time-consuming process.

There's no way to be sure that the ROM is entirely free of nasties. The reason that this isn't a knock-down argument against using custom ROMs is that some commercial Android versions are also compromised. To be fair, this is a problem that mostly affects low-cost, unbranded devices. Still, buying a device with Android pre-installed does not guarantee that it is trustworthy.

Indeed, many Android devices come with a stack of pre-installed software, the security implications of which are hard to assess. This software is often not written by the device vendor, but has been installed as some kind of partnership arrangement. Many Android apps have a reputation for plundering user data and doing unknown things with it. Ironically, the pre-installed Android from a reputable device vendor seems more likely to have problems of this sort than a reputable custom ROM. Samsung has an ill reputation for bloatware of dubious provenance, but Android versions produced by network operators are probably the worst culprits.

The more subtle problem with custom ROMs, which will occupy most of this article, is that installation requires disabling some fundamental software protections.

The vexed question of unlocking the bootloader

Installing a custom ROM requires unlocking the bootloader of a device. An unlocked bootloader will allow a kernel and supporting binaries to run, that do not match the vendor's cryptographic hashes. In the usual, locked state, Android will check the cryptographic hash of the boot partition of the internal storage against the vendor's stored value. If the hashes do not match, it will interrupt the boot process.

While a vendor's implementation of Android may have problems of the kind I suggested above, at least it's a known quantity. The vendor's bootloader check limits the device to running code that the vendor has tested and is prepared to support, for whatever that's worth.

Unlocking the bootloader amounts, more-or-less, to disabling this check. It's a necessary first step in installing a custom ROM on almost any modern Android device, and it's usually a one-way operation. The bootloader cannot safely be relocked, because the custom boot partition will not have cryptographic hashes that match the vendor's stored values. So even attempting to relock the bootloader will usually make the device inoperable. There are just a few devices that do allow this limitation to be circumvented but, even in these cases, relocking the bootloader will not make the device look to apps as if it is running vendor firmware. So most users who unlock the bootloader to install custom ROMs do not re-lock, even on those rare devices where it is possible to do so.

Are there additional hazards that arise from running a device that has an unlocked bootloader?

The simple answer is: yes.

The longer answer is that it is very unlikely that running an unlocked bootloader will be a security hazard on its own, except in well-defined circumstances that I will discuss. More significant problems potentially arise when other vulnerabilities are present, along with the unlocked bootloader.

Most modern ROMs based on the AOSP use file-based encryption (FBE) by default. For those that do not, encryption can usually be enabled after installation (but see below).

Enabling FBE means that if you lose physical custody of the device, and an intruder is able to install new boot-time code (or just use a debug interface in your existing boot-time code), none of the user data will be accessible. The intruder would still have to find some way to decrypt this data. The decryption keys for FBE are linked to the user PIN (which, of course, needs to be hard to guess, and not just for this reason).

But what if an intruder was able to insert something into your existing Android installation, that just intercepted the PIN when you entered it? If the intruder has the PIN and can (again) get physical access to the device, security is completely compromised.

Or perhaps the intruder could modify Android in such a way as to circumvent the permissions that prevent one app interfering with the files of another app. This opens the possibility of a malicious app -- perhaps installed at the same time as the intrusion -- simply reading other apps' data, and sending it somewhere.

Another possibility might be to insert something that modifies the vendor's PIN screen, to reduce the time between repeated attempts to guess a PIN. Then a brute-force PIN-guessing program (more on this later) might be able to succeed in seconds rather than days.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that either of these hacks is easy. There may actually be easier ways to compromise a device with an unlocked bootloader that I don't know about, but I'm reasonably sure that none will be easy. The problem is that the world is full of smart, devious people with too much time on their hands; the fact that something is difficult -- even extremely difficult -- won't prevent somebody doing it eventually.

What about custom ROMs that don't support data encryption?

Modern versions of Lineage OS support FBE, and enable it by default. Earlier versions, and other custom ROMs, might either not support it, or not enable it. Some older versions of Lineage OS purport to support FBE, but fail to enable it when requested (this is the case with my old NIDIA Shield tablet).

In such a case, having an unlocked bootloader exposes all the stored user data to a knowledgeable intruder who has physical access to the device. No PIN is required.

Unlocked bootloader, malware, and bugs

Unlocking the bootloader might create security risks of its own although, with encryption enabled, exploiting those risks will be difficult.

A bigger problem, perhaps, is the risk created when an unlocked bootloader combines with other security weaknesses. These weaknesses could be the result of deliberate insertion of malware, or just innocent defects in Android. Suppose, for example, that someone was able to exploit a weakness that provided write access to arbitrary files. This would be bad enough by itself but, combined with an unlocked bootloader, such an exploit could be used to insert further malware that would survive a full data wipe.

In the end, we don't actually know what potential exploits might be discovered in future. Unlocking the bootloader won't necessarily make these exploits more likely, but it will certainly increase their potential for long-term nastiness. And there might be vulnerabilities that are exploitable with an unlocked bootloader, that we haven't discovered yet.

What about old devices?

The sheer volume of Android devices in the world creates a vast attack surface. New vulnerabilities are discovered regularly; they necessitate updates to the Android platform and even, in some cases, to the Linux kernel.

Device manufacturers typically issue updates for a couple of years, or until the next model is released. For popular Android devices, enthusiasts may continue to issue updated custom ROMs for a lot longer than this.

Whether the potential removal of vulnerabilities in an updated custom ROM offsets the problems inherent in an unlocked bootloader is something that is hard to assess.

How important is your data, anyway?

None of the potential problems I've described need concern a person who never stores, or enters, any private data into an Android device. I use my Shield K1 tablet mostly for playing locally-stored video and music files. That I can't encrypt this device is not a concern to me, as an intruder would gain nothing from it, even with physical access.

With my smartphone, I've mostly stopped allowing apps (particularly the web browser) to store credentials. There are no stored website passwords that an intruder could steal. I do, however, have credentials stored in my email client, because it's such a nuisance to enter these every time I want to look at my email. A person who could get access to my email account could wreak havoc with my life.

I think that the use of encryption ensures that an unlocked bootloader does not make this more of a risk than it would otherwise be. Without encryption, I would be concerned.

In the end, only the owner of the device can really determine whether the information stored on it requires protection. However, it's worth remembering that many apps will store credentials. It isn't just documents on a device that are at risk -- anything protected by stored credentials, anywhere, is at risk if those credentials are exposed.

But how big a problem is it, really?

Nearly all the problems associated with the use of a custom ROM -- apart from those that might result from a ROM that is itself malicious -- will be mitigated by maintaining physical custody of the device. There is a whole class of 'evil maid' attacks, that gets its name from peoples' willingness to leave cellphones unattended in hotel rooms. I generally assume that, if somebody steals my cellphone with a determined intent to crack it, he will succeed in the end, whatever the state of the bootloader.

Many people use four-digit PINs for security. There are "only" 10,000 potential PINs. That sounds a lot, but bear in mind that most Android devices allow a PIN to be entered by a keyboard -- and a keyboard can be simulated using a computer. Code for running a brute-force PIN attach by issuing keyboard codes is widely available.

Even without such code, trying 10,000 potential PINs manually won't take all that long -- perhaps a few days. If somebody is willing to brute-force your PIN, it won't matter at all whether your bootloader is locked or not.

Perhaps surprisingly, fingerprint security might be even weaker than a PIN. An episode of MythBusters showed just how easy it is to lift a fingerprint from a drinking glass, and print it in such a way that a cellphone would accept it. If this isn't frightening, it should be.

Of course, if somebody does steal your phone or tablet, it's probably going to be wiped and sold in the pub. Only a very determined intruder will be trying to crack the device for sinister purposes. For most of us, our main protection is that our data is not valuable enough for anybody to allocate significant resources to stealing it.

Using a smartphone is inherently risky

The sad fact is that smartphones are a privacy risk, and it really isn't clear whether using a custom ROM makes that risk smaller or greater.

On the one hand, using a custom ROM probably removes the low-grade risks associated with pre-installed vendor apps. I'm fairly sure that nothing in a basic Lineage OS install is reading my contact list and calendar, and sending them to an advertiser -- something I can't guarantee with the stock Android from Samsung. I don't even really know what Samsung does with the data it collects.

On the other hand, weakening boot-time security does make maintaining physical custody of my devices even more pressing that it normally is. And I suspect that most people don't even realize how important that is.

On balance, my assessment is that using a custom ROM (that supports encryption) does not expose me to any significant additional risk. However, there's no doubt that, for some people in some situations, the added risk is present. Were I in such a situation, I think I would avoid using a smartphone altogether, rather than wonder whether a vendor ROM or a custom ROM is the lesser evil.