Kevin Boone

ARM assembly-language programming for the Raspberry Pi

14. More complicated string processing

In the last example I explained how to convert a binary number to a series of decimal digits for display. The process produced it's output in reverse order, so we need a way to reverse it. This example demonstrates a slightly more complicated example of string processing -- reversing a null-terminated string in memory.

The example

For brevity, I have omitted the strlen and print_str functions, as they are unchanged from the previous example.

// This example demonstrates how to reverse the characters of a 
//  null-terminated string, but swapping the characters at the ends
//  and then moving inwards. This process avoids the need to allocate
//  any temporary memory for the operation. 

// NOTE .data, not .rodata
.section .data 
    .asciz "\n"
.align 2
    .asciz "Hello, World"

.align 2

.global _start

/* =========================== reverse =====================================*/
// Reverse the bytes in the string whose address is in %r0. If the string is
//  less than two bytes long, no change is made (but it is safe to call
//  the function). 
    push   {r0-r5,lr}

    mov    %r4, %r0     // %r4 points to the start of the string 
    mov    %r5, %r0     // So does %r5, for now
    bl     strlen       // Get the string length in %r0

    cmp    %r0,$1       // Compare the length with 1
    bls    reverse_done // "Branch if Less or Same" to end of function

    add    %r5, %r0   
    sub    %r5, $1       // %r5 points to the end of the string

    lsr    %r0, $1       // Divide by two
    mov    %r2, %r0      // %r2 now holds the loop count
reverse_loop:            // Repeat the swap, working from the ends inward

    ldrb   %r0, [%r4]    // Read the end characters into %r0 and %r1 
    ldrb   %r1, [%r5] 
    mov    %r3, %r1
    strb   %r3, [%r4]    // Store the swapped end characters
    strb   %r0, [%r5]
    add    %r4, $1       // Move the pointers inwards
    sub    %r5, $1

    sub    %r2, $1       // Decrement the loop counter %r2
    cmp    %r2, $0       //   ... and repeat if it is not yet zero
    bne    reverse_loop

    pop    {r0-r5,lr}
    bx     lr

/* =========================== start ========================================*/
    ldr    %r0, =msg 
    bl     reverse 
    bl     print_str   

    ldr    %r0, =EOL        // Print a newline, to make the output clearer
    bl     print_str

    // exit
    mov    %r0, $0
    b      exit

The function reverse takes the address of a null-terminated string in register r0. It reverses the string at that location in memory, up to the null terminator. The reversal is 'in place' -- the data supplied to the function is changed. It would be perfectly feasible to implement a function that took two address arguments -- one pointing to the string to reverse, and one to an area of memory for the result. In fact, this would be easier to implement, because the memory mangement would be less fiddly. We could also implement a function that took the address of a string, and allocated some new memory for the reversed version. We haven't discussed dynamic memory allocation yet, so that's not really feasible just now. My point is simply that many functions lend themsevles to a number of different modes of interaction with their callers.

We need to be a little careful not to reverse the location of the null terminator, because that would result in a string with no contents. Also, the method I've used will fail catastrophically if applied to a string that actually can't be reversed because it's too short. So the function starts by checking the length of the supplied string.

In this simple example, the string to be reversed is identified by the label msg:. You might have noticed that I've changed the section definition from .rodata to .data. This is because we will be calling the reverse function on data in this section, and the function needs to be able to write it.

The implementation of the reverse method is, as always in these examples, written for clarity rather than efficiency. It has the same problem that any ARM code has, that manipulates data in single bytes -- the same 32-bit section of memory is read repeatedly. Even with the simplification of ignoring this fact, the function is longer and more complicated-looking than the comparable example in C would be. This is largely because the same construct -- the conditional branch -- has to be used to implement the various, more expressive constructs that high-level languages have to control program flow.

reverse works by assigning the r4 register to the address of the start of the string, and the r5 register to the end (not including the null). We then swap the bytes at memory addresses r4 and r5, and move these registers towards each other. We know how many reversal steps are required -- half the number of characters, rounded down. The division by two is done using a lsr (logical shift right) operation. We'd have to be a bit careful about doing division using a shift if the number were signed, but the length of a string is never going to be negative.

One final new feature: I've used the .asciz tag to define the string. This automatically adds the terminating null to form a null-terminated string, so we don't have to remember to add it. This adds a little readability, provided we're actually using null-terminated strings.
