Kevin Boone

ARM assembly-language programming for the Raspberry Pi

12. Basic arithmetic operations

This example demonstrates some of the fundamental integer arithemetic operations in the ARM instruction set.

Integer arithmetic

Integer arithmetic is arithmetic on whole numbers. It may, or may not, accomodate negative numbers as well as positive ones, depending on the context. If the arithmetic allows for negative numbers, it is described as signed, otherwise unsigned. The ARM instruction set provides some signed and some unsigned operations -- it's for the programmer to decide which is most appropriate in a particular calculation.

The ARM CPU does integer arithmetic in its 32-bit registers, although sometimes these can be used in pairs to handle larger numbers. A 32-bit register can store numbers in the range 0 to 4 294 967 295 if the value is treated as unsigned, or the range -2 147 483 648  to 2 147 483 647 if signed. Whether signed or unsigned, the register can hold one of 232 discrete values -- the difference is in how they are interpreted. A register is neither signed nor unsigned in itself. Signed arithmetic requires not only the proper choice of instructions, but also attention to how overflows and carries are handled.

A 32-bit register can hold integers that are fairly large, for everyday purposes. 32-bits is enough to store any Unicode character, or the number of seconds since Julius Caesar lived, or the number of frames into playback of a movie. A 32-bit register isn't large enough to store the number of metres between stars, or the number of atoms in a planet but, in cases like that, we don't usually need the precision to count individual metres or individual atoms. Calculations like this typically call for the use of floating point arithmetic, which embodies the notion of scale. ARM CPUs may, or may not, have support for floating-point math; in these articles I am assuming no such support, and working only with integers.

It's worth bearing in mind, in fact, that some ARM CPUs don't even support integer division operations, although most recent devices do. I don't believe that any have built-in support for integer modulo division, which is one of the reasons I have chosen it for this article. In addition, it will come in useful in future examples.

The example

The modulo division a mod b is (for present purposes) the remainder when a is divided by b. In integers, it can be expressed by this formula:

a mod b = a - b * (a / b)

To implement it, we'll need three basic integer operations: multiply, subtract, and divide.

/* =========================== mod ==========================================*/
// Calculate the integer remainder after dividing %r0 by %r1. The result is
//  returned in %r0
// The relevant formula is %r0 - (%r1 * (%r0 / %r1)). This works because
//  integer division (sdiv) loses the fraction. It's a bit crude, but
//  easy to understand.
    push    {r4}
    mov     %r4, %r0
    sdiv    %r0, %r1
    mul     %r0, %r1
    sub     %r4, %r0
    mov     %r0, %r4
    pop     {r4}
    bx lr

It's fairly obvious what mul and sub do. sdiv is signed division. There's a udiv unsigned operation as well -- the division instruction is the only one of the basic arithmetic operations that has different signed and unsigned variants.

Notice that even a relatively simple arithmetic expression like the one I'm using to calculate the remainder requires a lot of assembly expressions. It's often possible to make the operation more readable by using extra registers, or the stack, but these steps tend to reduce efficiency.

A note on instruction syntax

Despite my example above, most ARM arithment instructions take three operands. The full syntax for an add is

   add %result_register %operand_register_1 %operand_register_2
   add %result_register %operand_register %number

That is, an arithmetic operation performs the calculation on two registers, or a register and a number, and puts the result into another register.

If only two operands are supplied, the first one is both the result register and the first operand. So when I write

   add %r0,$1

that's actually a short form of

   add %r0,%r0,$1

Other integer arithmetic operations

ARM CPUs support a range of shift and rotate operations. Some of these can be used to speed up certain arithmetic operations. For example, a left shift by one bit amounts to multiplying by two. Two bits is a multiplication by four, and so on. However, these operations need to be used with care.

There are also "carry" forms of the basic operations. For example, addc, add with carry, adds 1 to the result if the carry flag is set. The carry flag will be set if a previous arithmetic operation overflowed, so addition with carry is a useful way to chain 32-bit operations together to form operations on larger integers.

Integer arithmetic is complicated

This is not uniquely a problem with assembly programming, but assembly does throw it into sharp relief -- integer arithmetic is surprisingly difficult to do robustly and efficiently. In fact, it's difficult to do robustly or efficiently, and both together can be a real challenge.

Problems don't usually arise when handling small numbers -- that is, numbers much smaller than the maximum value of a register. It's when handling large numbers that we have to be careful about deciding which registers or memory locations hold signed or unsigned values, and combining signed and unsigned operations appropriately. For example, it's a common trick to shift all the bits in a register left one place to performa a multiplication by two. This works fine until you shift a binary 1 into the most significant position of an unsigned number, which then gets treated as signed in the next operation. Your multiplication by two has become a multiplication by minus two, which is unlikely to yield useful results.

Programmers often turn to assembly because they believe they can create smaller or more efficient code than a compiler can, and integer arithmetic is one area that seems, on the face of it, to offer potential rewards in this area. However, compiler designers have had many years to optimize the code their tools generate, and we won't beat the compiler by naive use of assembly. It takes real expertise and a good grasp of math to do integer arithmetic effectively.
