Kevin Boone

ARM assembly-language programming for the Raspberry Pi

10. Nesting functions

In the earlier example introducing function calls I mentioned in passing that care had to be taken when function calls are nested. It's time to explain why, and what specifically needs to be done. Nesting of function calls, often to great depth, is a ubiquitous feature of modern programming, in any language. It's important that we have a way to implement it reliably.

The example

This example combines all the code we've used until now, and extends it to print a number of different messages. The main body of the program calls a function called print_str to print a text string. print_str needs to know the length of the string, so it can tell the sys_write syscall how much data to output. print_str calls strlen to get the length. So we have two levels of function call: _start calls print_str which calls strlen.
// This example demonstrates nested function calls. The function 
//   print_str calls the function strlen to work out the length of
//   the string it was passed. 

.section .rodata 
    .ascii "String 1\n\0"
.align 2
    .ascii "String 2\n\0"

.align 2


.global _start

/* =========================== exit ========================================*/
// Exit the program.
//   On entry, r0 should hold the exit code
    mov    %r7, $SYS_EXIT
    swi    $0

/* =========================== strlen ======================================*/
// Calulate the length of a null-terminated string
//   On entry, r0 is the address of the string
//   On exit, r0 is the length of the string, not including
//   the terminating null
   push    {r4-r5,lr}  // Save the values of %r4 and %r5, and the LR 
   mov     %r4, $0     // Use %r4 as the character count; initially 0
   ldrb    %r5,[r0]    // Read into %r5 the value in memory location %r0
   cmp     %r5, #0     // Compare to zero, the end-of-line terminator
   beq     strlen_1    // If it's equal to zero, jump out of loop
   add     %r0, $1     // If not zero, add one to the character count...
   add     %r4, $1     //  ...and to the address we are looking at
   b strlen_0          // Then do the loop again
   mov     %r0, %r4    // Transfer the character count to %r0 for return 
   pop     {r4-r5,lr}  // Restore the temporary registers and LR
   bx      lr

/* ======================== print_str =======================================*/
// Prints to stdout the text whose address is in the r0 register. The
//  text should be null-terminated
    push   {r2-r7, lr}

    mov    %r5, %r0   // Save string address in %r5
    bl     strlen     // Get the length in %r0
    mov    %r2, %r0   // Transfer length to %r2
    mov    %r7, $SYS_WRITE
    mov    %r1, %r5  // Address is in r5
    mov    %r0, $STDOUT

    swi    $0

    pop    {r2-r7, lr}  
    bx     lr

/* =========================== start ========================================*/
    // Print msg1
    ldr    %r0, =msg1
    bl     print_str

    // Print msg2
    ldr    %r0, =msg2
    bl     print_str

    // Now exit
    mov    %r0, $0
    b      exit

What's new about this example?

Only one new idea is introduced here: pushing the link register. On entry to the function we push the registers that the function changes which includes the link register. On exit, we restore those registers.

    push   {r2-r7, lr}
    pop    {r2-r7, lr}

Why does the function change the value of lr? It's because this register is an implicit part of the call process. When we call the function using bl, this sets the return address into the link register. However, the next, nested function call sets its own return address, overwriting the caller's value. This will cause an infinite loop if the value of the lr is not preserved.

Does the strlen function need to preserve the value of lr? In fact, it doesn't, because it doesn't call any functions itself. However, not preserving the link register in a function of any complexity can be very risky in the long term. Suppose we change the implementation of the function so that it does, in fact, make a function call? This will create an error that could potentially be very difficult to troubleshoot.

Most CPUs have a specific function call instruction that automatically pushes the return address on the stack. The ARM CPU gives the programmer the choice whether to preserve return addresses or not. It's certainly faster not too, because the return does not involve a memory read; but a choice to work this way needs careful consideration.
