Kevin Boone

ARM assembly-language programming for the Raspberry Pi

8. Introduction to function calls

This example demonstrates how function calls are implemented in ARM assembly language. We will code the skeleton of a function called strlen that calculates the length of a text string. The actual implementation will be stubbed out for now, because we haven't discussed the conditional branch and comparison operations that will be needed to complete it. The details will come later. The code still just prints "Hello, World"; it just does it in a more flexible way.

What is a function call?

In high-level language programming, there are subtle differences between functions, procedures, and sub-routines. In assembly language there is no distinction, unless the programmer chooses to create one. I will use the term "function" for any self-contained piece of code that might take arguments, and might return some results. This is the same terminology that C programmers use.

Similarly, the distinction between "call by name", "call by reference", and "call by value" semantics that affect high-level programming are irrelevant here. In assembler programming, all arguments to functions are simply numbers. It's entirely up to the programmer to decide how those numbers are to be interpreted.

The example

// This example demonstrates how to implement a function (subroutine)
//  call called 'strlen' that returns the length of a text string in
//  bytes. The actual implementation is stubbed out -- we will implement
//  the logic later

.section .rodata
    .ascii "Hello, World\n\0"

.align 2


.global _start

// Exit the program.
//   On entry to exit, r0 should hold the exit code
    mov    %r7, $SYS_EXIT
    swi    $0

// Calulate the length of a null-terminated string
//   On entry, r0 is the address of the string
//   On exit, r0 is the length of the string, not including
//   the terminating null
   ldr    %r0, =10 // 10 is a dummy value. We will calculate it
                   //  in the next example
   bx     lr

    ldr    %r0, =msg
    bl     strlen
    // Length of string is now in %r0

    // Use the sys_write syscall to output a string
    mov    %r2, %r0  // Transfer length of the message from r0 to r2
    mov    %r7, $SYS_WRITE
    mov    %r0, $STDOUT
    ldr    %r1, =msg // Store the address of the message in r1
    swi    $0

    // Now exit
    mov    %r0, $0
    b      exit

You might have noticed that, compared to the previous example, I've changed the definition of the messge string to end in a zero byte:

    .ascii "Hello, World\n\0"

This is called "null termination", and is a convention from C programming. Having a specific terminating character allows a program to work out how long a string is, if it isn't known in advance. I've tried to avoid getting into a discussion of C in these articles, but this use of a terminating null to allow the string's length to be calculated is extremely common. Most importantly for our purposes, it is a convention followed by the Linux kernel. In the previous example we did not need to terminate the string with any particular symbol, because the sys_write syscall is not designed for text strings -- it can output any kind of data. For that reason, the syscall expects to be told the length of the data.

On the other hand, kernel syscalls that need to know filenames, or directory names, always expect a null-terminated string as input, as do many others. For better or worse, there's no getting away from null-terminated strings in low-level programming. That's why I've introduced the concept at this stage.

Calling a function

ARM machine code has a primitive function-calling mechanism. In this example, I call the strlen function like this:
    ldr    %r0, =msg
    bl     strlen
    // Length of string is now in %r0

I have decided that the function will take as its argument the address of a string, and return the number of bytes in the string. By convention, the first (and only) argument will be passed in the r0 register, and the same register will contain the first (and only) return value when the function ends. This use of registers for function calling is in accordance with the ARM procedure call specification, as I explained in an earlier section.

The function call is started with the instruction bl strlen. strlen is just the label of the address where the function starts. bl is branch and l link. The 'branch' part is just a jump to another address, as we've seen before. The 'link' part means that the address immediately ahead of the jump is placed into the link register. In assembly language, the link register is usually denoted lr.

In short, the bl instruction executes a jump, but leaves in the link register the address to come back to after the function completes.

Returning from a function

I've explained how to call a function using the bl instruction. This starts execution from the start of the function. When the function is finished -- whether that's at the end of the function's code or not -- it executes

    bx   lr
bx is branch exchange -- it simply just to the address indicated by the specified register. In this case -- and in nearly every case you'll see -- the register is lr, the link register. This jump will be back to the instruction immediately after the branch that invoked the function.

Why is this a primitive implementation?

A bit of thought should make it clear that the bl/bx method of function calling is very limited. Functions may call one another to any depth -- function 'A' may call function 'B', which calls function 'C', and so on. But there's only one link register. This means that if we use only the link register, deeper functions will overwrite the value of the link register set by shallower ones. In short, the bl/bx mechanism is only suitable for leaf functions -- functions that don't call any other functions themselves.

For functions other than leaf functions, we have to extend the bl/bx with other mechanisms, usually involving the stack. I will show examples of this later. It's worth bearing in mind that, if you can use the bl/bx mechanism alone safely, you should, because it will be much faster than any operation that has to save and restore the link register on each function call.
