Are Flatpak, et al., saving or drowning the Linux desktop?
In general, I'm
enthusiastic about container technology. It certainly has its place in the computing industry,
and technologies like Kubernetes make good use of it, for
orchestrating large, diverse workloads. On the server side,
the high levels of sandboxing that containers can provide
is an important security feature.
In the last few years, however, major Linux vendors have pushed the use of container technology for desktop Linux applications, for reasons that may not stand up to close scrutiny. I'm focusing here mostly on Flatpak, because that's the technology I know most about; but Snap, and Valve's proprietary gaming technology, are conceptually similar. I'll briefly describe the problem that these technologies are intended to solve and, in outline, how Flatpak works. I'll then explain why these technologies might ultimately create more problems than they solve.
The problem
Almost all general-purpose small computers run Windows or, at least, some other operating system that is tightly controlled by a single vendor. Desktop Linux, on the other hand, is driven by a number of competing commercial interests, and a whole bunch of enthusiasts. Most Linux advocates see this diversity and decentralization as a good thing. Nevertheless, the result is that no two Linux distributions are particularly binary-compatible. An application built for Unbuntu might run on Fedora, but it just as likely won't. There isn't even good inter-version compatibility on the same distribution: an application built for Fedora 36 might run on Fedora 35 but, well, just as likely it won't.
For the popular applications, on mainstream Linux distributions, this problem is relieved, for the end user, by the provision of repositories. Each platform release has a repository that contains, in binary format, a set of applications and libraries that are compatible with the platform and (we hope) with one another.
Maintaining a general-purpose repository is a colossal undertaking. The Fedora repository contains hundreds of applications, for dozens of Fedora releases, each on a number of different hardware platforms. All this stuff has to be built, packaged, and tested. Ideally, application software providers would implement their own repositories, for each Linux distribution and release they're prepared to support. This does, indeed, happen for some software packages. Mostly, though, distributions are maintained by people who are closely associated with a specific distribution, not with a software vendor. I know from personal experience that this kind of maintenance can be an arduous, largely thankless task.
The existence of repositories is of no help for applications that are too niche to be of interest to the major repositories. Some of the Linux software I maintain is in repositories, but most is not. I'm not going to try to maintain my own repositories any more, because the effort far exceeds the rewards.
Sadly, the problem isn't just binary compatibility. If APIs are not stable, then it might not be possible even to build an application from source, for a different platform release. Consequently, it's not that unusual to see a software package drop out of a repository entirely -- perhaps for a short time, but sometimes for ever. For some time I was unable to run the Puddletag audio tag editor on Fedora, because it required Python 2, and Fedora had only limited support for Python 2. Happily, Puddletag was made available in both Snap and Flatpak formats -- even building from source could not make it compatible otherwise. With desktop Linux, it's a fact of life that software packages come and go from repositories.
Contrast this with the situation for Windows. I've written software for Windows 95 that still works -- in binary format -- on Windows 10. There are no repositories for Windows -- unless you count the "Microsoft Store" -- because they were never really needed. Software vendors could distribute binaries that would work across a whole range of Windows versions. These days, vendors may need to adapt to the fact that Windows runs on hardware other than x86 but, in reality, many do not try -- 64-bit x86 still accounts for the overwhelming majority of Windows installations.
It's highly unlikely that Linux will ever be in this position. It might happen if a single vendor -- or very co-operative group of vendors -- manages to achieve a complete stranglehold on the Linux platform. I don't think it's in anybody's interests for this to happen, although things are moving in that direction already.
Flatpak: how it works
Flatpak is a very clever technology. It provides a way for a developer to package an application so that it runs, not against the platform's native system libraries, but against a curated set of libraries provided by Flatpak runtimes. Each runtime is accompanied by an SDK, that provides the basic development tools (compilers, source management utilities) that work for a specific runtime.
The system works by encapsulating the application along with its runtime in an individual container. Each application sees a filesystem that is a composite of the container's filesystem and (almost always) some part of the host filesystem. After all, most applications need to read and write files. The use of containers here provides -- in principle -- an additional level of security, since containers can have processes and resources that are separated from one another.
Each Linux distributor provides Flatpak runtimes that match its own platform. So, in principle, applications can be unaware of the host's Linux platform completely -- they target the Flatpak runtime. Because the Flatpak runtimes look exactly like Linux distributions in their own right -- which they are -- applications generally do not need to be changed much to target Flatpak.
In fact, if your application is built using one of the popular
build tools (make
, CMake, meson...), and has its
source in a popular repository (GitHub
, perhaps)
it's almost indecently easy to build a Flatpak version of
it. The Flatpak build tools really are that good.
If your application uses less common programming languages, or has unusual dependencies, that's not necessarily a problem -- Flatpak has built-in dependency-management features that help out here. At a pinch, you can build your Flatpak application completely using command-line tools and scripts -- painful, perhaps, but the end user isn't going to care.
Like native applications, Flatpak and Snap applications can be hosted in repositories. This is a much more tractable task than hosting native applications though because, in principle, Flatpak and Snap applications are platform- and version- agnostic. If the user installs a Flatpak applications that requires a different runtime from those installed on the host, the Flatpak installer will attempt to download the runtime as well. For the end user, it's a very slick experience.
What's not to like?
If this all seems a little too good to be true, well, perhaps it is. The most obvious problem is the lack of parsimony -- these container solutions are hugely more resource-intensive than native applications. Storage needs, in particular, can be massively increased. So far as I know, the smallest Flatpak runtime is about 500Mb in size. Whether this is a problem or not really depends on how many different runtimes the user actually needs. If you have a bunch of small applications that each needs a different 500Mb runtime, that's going to be very wasteful.
In reality, though, the situation is far worse than this. The runtime only provides the most basic set of libraries and utilities. In practice, applications will bundle their own versions of libraries that are not in the standard runtime.
This creates the possibility -- perhaps the probability -- that the same software components will be found, with the same versions, bundled into many different applications.
Storage is cheap these days, but not as cheap as it once was. The size of modern applications has forced us to use higher-performing, more expensive technologies like NVMe, just to give acceptable start-up times. As a result, off-the-shelf computers often now ship with less storage than they did five years ago.
So Flatpak, et al., require more storage -- perhaps much more -- in an environment when storage is becoming more expensive.
There's also an increased CPU usage, because of the pseudo-virtualisation that containers require -- but this is not usually bothersome in practice.
Then there's the sandbox itself. A Flatpak application is required to declare the host resources to which it needs access, so users are aware of potential security implications. However, the controls are coarse-grained: there is no notion of application-specific storage as there is, for example, in Android. If an application requests, and is granted, access to the user's home directory, it can access any part of the home directory. Any application can modify the configuration of other applications, if it is stored in the home directory.
This, of course, is the same for native applications; but native applications don't even claim to be sandboxed. Where security is concerned, Flatpak and the like perhaps promise more than they deliver.
These potential problems -- resources, security -- are easy to appreciate, but there are other issues that are more subtle, and arise from the measures that have to be taken to integrate the container sandbox with the host.
Consider an simple application operation like opening a document in a web browser. The browser isn't going to be part of the Flatpak runtime -- the application will have to open the browser on the host. But the sandbox is specifically designed to prevent Flatpak applications from spawning new processes outside the sandbox, or even seeing that part of the host filesystem where the binaries are installed.
To get around this problem -- and many similar ones -- Flatpak provides APIs that an application can use to invoke host services, like printing, sending email, and showing notifications.
Unfortunately, the existence of the APIs is not, in itself, a solution.
This is because most graphical desktop applications make use of
common frameworks like GTK or Qt. If a GTK-based application wants to
show a document in a web browser, it will probably call
. To print, it will probably use
the gtk_print_operation_XXX
In order for Flatkpak to work with these frameworks, all frameworks must be Flatpak-enabled.
Now, it might not be obvious why that is such a problem. And it isn't -- for the end user. It's a problem for software maintenance, though, because GUI frameworks have become hopelessly entangled with Flatpak and other container tools. It's difficult to maintain one without the other.
This is the same problem I wrote about in more like Windows every day. Unix-like systems have the power and versatility that they do, because they are based on a simple philosophy: each component does exactly one thing well. What Flatpak, etc., give us is a system where all the components depend on one another, and have overlapping functionality. In something like Linux, where there is no overall governance, this could be catastrophic in the long run.
Is there a better way?
The alternative to technologies like Flatpak is rigidly to tie down all the common platform libraries -- or, at least, their APIs. This is essentially what Microsoft has done with Windows -- the core libraries have been extended over the years, but most of the functionality that existed in 1990 is still present today.
With a few (albeit important) exceptions, this is already happening
in Linux.
Many core Linux libraries, like GNU libc
, OpenSSL and
have not changed their APIs for years, perhaps
decades. Of course, the internal implementations have changed, but
that should not affect applications. Many libraries now have good
backward compatibility and cross-distribution compatibility.
The exceptions are the heavy-hitting desktop frameworks, like GTK. These seem to have breaking API changes in every release. It's highly unlikely that a GTK 4 application built for one Linux distribution will work on another; it might not even build from souce.
These problems are not technical -- they relate to software governance. They can be solved, if enough people have the will. Ironically, the existence of Flatpak, et al., removes the incentive to solve these human problems, as they can be worked around.
Technologies like Flatpak make it relatively easy for developers of desktop applications to target multiple Linux distributions and versions with the same code. That's particularly true for applications that use commonplace build strategies. On the face of it, this is clearly a good thing. And the technology really works -- I've used it myself, and been surprised at how easy it is to learn and use. For Linux to be useful as a desktop operating system, software vendors have to support it. The easier it is to do that, the more likely vendors will support Linux.
Whether it really is a good thing, though, depends on the side-effects. Flatpak, et al., have the potential to increase massively the amount of storage required on desktop and laptop computers, at a time when storage is becoming -- in practice -- more expensive. To be fair, many native Linux applications have bundled all their dependencies, to make it easier to support multiple distributions. This practice is even more wasteful of storage than that adopted by Flatpak, because Flatpak's runtimes do at least allow some components to be shared. It's certainly possible, in principle, to make applications more compact without relying on Flatpak, but in practice things aren't so clear-cut.
It's difficult to sandbox end-user, GUI applications in a way that provides good security without compromising convenience -- anybody who has developed for Android will surely have seen this. It's not at all clear to me that the sandboxing provided by Flatpak is really effective in isolating applications from one another.
Coupling containerized applications to a graphical desktop system is inherently difficult. Flatpak's approach goes against the "do one thing well" philosophy of Unix by introducing complicated tight coupling between components. The long-term effects of this strategy are hard to assess.
In the end, though, Flatpak and similar technologies are solving a problem that really ought never to have existed at all -- they are technological solutions to what are fundamentally administrative problems.