The vexed problem of generating delays in a CP/M program
Generating reasonably accurate delays has always been a
problem in CP/M programming. Most CP/M machines have no system clock
of any kind and, even if one is present, CP/M itself has no standard
API for using it. Consequently, the generation of timing delays falls to
the programmer.
I'm assuming the use of a Z80 CPU here, although the basic logic remains the same for 8080. I will break the problem down into two parts: delays of the order of microseconds, and delays of the order of milliseconds.
Delays of the order of microseconds
To get delays this short, the standard technique is simply to execute
some instructions that do nothing much, but just waste time. The
instructions should not change the program state in any way that
cannot easily be corrected.
To work out how much time each instruction takes, we'll need to know
the number of
T states each instruction requires, and the clock speed.
A 'T state' is, essentially, Z80 jargon for a clock period. With a
4MHz CPU, each T state is 1/4E6 = 250 ns long.
The nop
(do nothing) instruction is 4 T states long,
so executing it will create a delay of 1 microsecond (at 4HMz).
Achieving delays of tens of microseconds can be accomplished simply by finding combinations of instructions that have no overall effect, and whose T states add up to the required value. For example, I can get a 30 microsecond delay (at 4MHz) like this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Delay 30 usec (on 4MHz Z80 hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSH HL LD H,L LD L,H POP HL PUSH HL LD H,L LD L,H POP HL PUSH HL LD H,L LD L,H POP HL PUSH HL LD H,L LD L,H POP HL NOP
This works because the PUSH
and POP
instructions reverse one another, and any other changes to the H
or L registers between these instructions are corrected by
the POP
. The T states just happen to add up to
120, which takes 30 microseconds at 4MHz.
It can take considerable ingenuity to find instructions that don't change the state of the program, and happen to give the correct T state count. You'll need a Z80 datasheet to find the T states for each instruction. I should point out that if you want a subroutine that delays 30 microseconds, or any other short time, you'll need to account for the number of T states involved in making the subroutine call itself.
Delays of the order of milliseconds
Once the required delay gets longer than about 100 microseconds, chaining do-nothing operations together becomes unwieldy, and we need to resort to a loop of some kind. A trivial loop, where we just decrement a 16-bit register until it gets to zero, will give us a delay of up to about 350 msec (at 4MHz). To get longer delays than this, we can nest loops inside one another, or just pad out the loop with other, do-nothing instructions. Neither the Z80 or 8080 CPUs had any power management, so it did no harm to run long-duration do-nothing loops. This wouldn't be safe on a modern computer, unless you were certain of the state of its fans and heatsinks.
Here is a subroutine that will give a delay of 100 msec, give or take a few microseconds, on the Z80 Playground board, clocked at 10 MHz. Because the number of iterations of the loops is large, I don't need to worry about the overheads of making the function call -- they won't amount to even 1 millisecond. Of course, if I wanted a delay of exactly 100.00000 milliseconds, I would need to account for these additional instructions.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; delay100 -- delay 100 msec (on Z80 PG hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ delay100: PUSH HL PUSH AF ; HL value is delay * clock / t_states ; t_states for the main loop are 26 (4, 4, 6, 12) ; Z80 PG has 10 MHz clock, so HL is 0.1 * 10E6 / 26 ~ 38462 LD HL, 38462 delay100_l1: LD A, H ; T=4 OR L ; T=4 DEC HL ; T=6 JR NZ, delay100_l1 ; T=12 if the condition is true POP AF POP HL RET
The complications of conditional instructions
I won't go into details here, but it's worth keeping in mind that the number of T states taken by a conditional (branch, jump) instruction varies, according to whether the condition is met or not. If you're using a loop to create delays then, so long as the number of iterations is large, or the contents of the loop are time-consuming, this creates no significant inaccuracies. However, if you need very precise timing, this awkward timing behaviour does need to be taken into account.
Handling variations in clock speed
This brings us to the part that nobody wants to think about. While 4MHz was a common clock speed for Z80 CP/M systems, it was not universal. The Z80 Playground can be clocked at 10MHz (although it has a 4MHz compatibility mode), and some systems that required low power consumption were underclocked significantly.
There is simply no nice way of dealing with this, other than accepting that you'll have to either (a) ignore it and hope for the best, or (b) provide different versions of the program for different hardware, or (c) provide a way for the user to calibrate the program at installation time.
(b) can be a real nuisance but, in most cases, errors in timing aren't hugely important. So some combination of (b) and (a) (do your best, and hope for it works out) might suffice. If your program requires the user press a key within five seconds, it probably doesn't matter hugely if it turns out to allow seven seconds. It often doesn't even matter that much when interfacing external devices. Many devices have a 'settling time' after power-on, during which they can't accept instructions. Settling times are usually of the order of tens of milliseconds and, if your program waits fifty milliseconds rather than the thirty specified in the datasheet, that's probably not the end of the world. Even the actual interfacing protocol usually doesn't require that much timing precision. Most devices don't mind behind clocked a little slower than they might accept, so setting timings for the fastest Z80 you need to support might be sufficient.
But if you do require precision timing, and you have to support different CP/M machines, then user calibration is the only way forward. The usual way to do this is to ask the user to press a key at certain intervals -- perhaps ten seconds. We can time the number of iterations of a loop that are executed in that time. It's not as easy as it sounds, because we'll need to check for keyboard input, and we can't guarantee that will take a particular number of T states on different hardware. And the only way to work out the number of T states it takes on any hardware is to time a larger number of repetitions using a clock.
This is all very vexing, and it's no surprise that the provision of some kind of clock became mandatory after the demise of CP/M.