ActiveMQ/Artemis or Kafka for Java messaging?
The Java Messaging Services (JMS) Specification has been around for over
twenty years. It provided, and continues to provide, a
systematic way for Java application components to communicate with one
another asynchronously.
JMS provides for both first-in, first-out ('queue') and multicast ('topic')
messaging semantics. It has support for transactions, so multiple messaging
operations on the same message broker could be made to succeed or fail
Almost all application servers developed in the last twenty years include
a JMS-compliant message broker; indeed, the J(2)EE specification requires
them to.
In this article, 'messaging' refers, essentially, to interprocess communication, rather than to telephony or email.
Apache Kafka became widely available about ten years ago, although it's only in the last few years that it's become as prominent and popular as it now is. Kafka is also an interprocess communication broker written in Java, with many superficial similarities to existing JMS message brokers, but it does not implement the JMS Specification.
Since its introduction, Kafka has become a viable alternative to a JMS broker for many applications, and the use of JMS brokers has declined a little. At the time of writing, if you want a Java-based, open-source message broker, your choice is essentially between Apache Kafka, and Apache ActiveMQ -- either the earlier 'classic' or the new 'Artemis' release. Compared with Kafka, both these flavours of ActiveMQ are essentially the same, and I will mostly treat them as equivalent article.
There are, of course, proprietary JMS-compliant message brokers. IBM Websphere MQ (formerly MQ Series) continues to have a loyal following, for example. In this article I focus on open-source message brokers but, in fact, the same considerations mostly apply to proprietary offerings as well.
What this article is about
There are many middleware applications whose interprocess communication requirements could be logically satisfied using either Kafka or a JMS message broker. For these applications, the choice which to use comes down to pragmatic considerations: throughput, reliability, ease of maintenance, availability of support.
However, Kafka is not a JMS-compliant broker and, in many applications, developers will have to choose one or the other. Trying to use Kafka in an application that requires the flexibility of JMS will lead to frustration. Trying to get the raw throughput of Kafka from a JMS-compliant broker is likely to be impracticable.
In this article, I try to outline how Kafka is different from a JMS message broker -- ActiveMQ in particular -- and why you might choose which to use. I've divided the article into discrete topics, but they aren't in any particular order -- their relative importance will depend on the application.
Fault tolerance and message continuity
In the enterprise, we need messaging systems to be able to survive predictable failures. We usually provide fault tolerance using some measure of redundancy -- we run multiple message brokers, and provide a way for their clients to switch from one to another in the event of a broker failure. This kind of service-level redundancy isn't hard to implement.
Service-level redundancy is not usually sufficient, however. We nearly always need some measure of message continuity. That is, we need clients to receive the same messages in the event of a failure, that they would have received, had the failure not occurred.
To achieve this continuity, we usually replicate message data on multiple servers. One of the great strengths of Kafka is that it included a robust replication system from the very start. When a client sends a message to a Kafka broker, it will be replicated to one or more additional brokers before the sending client receives a success signal. This replication system allows for a measure of asynchronicity, so that the replication isn't necessarily part of the critical path of the messaging interaction. In practice, though, Kafka administrators usually define replication to be synchronous.
Kafka does not require all the brokers to be completely synchronized to one another for the cluster to be considered 'in sync'. The administrator may stipulate, for example, that two out of three brokers have to be in sync for the system to be considered fully synchronized.
In short, the replication system that Kafka uses is well-documented, and implications of particular configuration choices are reasonably clear.
The JMS Specification, on the other hand, does not mention replication -- it's the responsibility of the product vendor to provide the necessary infrastructure. The maintainers of the 'classic' flavour of ActiveMQ made various attempts to integrate a native replication strategy, but none proved to be robust. So installations that used this broker had to manage without replication, or implement it at the filesystem level.
Replicating the disk filesystem that ActiveMQ uses for storing its messages is a reasonable way of providing message continuity, but this strategy merely pushes the problem from the brokers onto the storage system. There are many replicated storage systems on the market, but both flavours of ActiveMQ have exacting locking requirements -- many network storage systems simply don't work properly with these brokers.
Unlike its predecessor, ActiveMQ Artemis does have a native replication system, as Kafka does, and it works quite well. It requires, however, a minimum cluster size of six brokers, to protect against 'split brain' situations if there is a network outage. In practice, I've found it easier to get a decent combination of robustness and throughput using a good-quality replicated file store, than the built-in replication machinery; but I'm aware of installations where the built-in replication is working well.
While ActiveMQ installers usually have to pay careful attention to the storage requirements imposed by the need for replication, Kafka unequivocally works best with simple, locally-connected disk storage. In fact, network storage based on NFS V4, which is a common choice for ActiveMQ, works poorly with Kafka. Block-type network storage works reasonably well with Kafka, if you can keep the latency low enough, but it offers no functional advantage over locally-connected disks.
In short, both ActiveMQ and Kafka offer fault tolerance with message continuity. The complexity required to provide a robust system is approximately the same for both systems. However, Kafka's replication system is an integral part of the software, so administrators usually don't have a complicated decision-making process to follow.
Message throughput
High throughput has always been one of Kafka's main selling points. When properly installed and configured, Kafka can provide hugely increased throughput over any JMS-compliant broker, on equivalent hardware.
However, this improvement is not invariable or automatic -- I've seen Kafka installations that completely fail to exploit its inherent speed advantages. Usually this happens because the administrators have used inappropriate storage, or have chosen overly-rigorous synchronization requirements. Or, in some cases, the developer's ability to exercise control over message routing has not be exploited properly -- more on this subtlety later.
Messaging models
JMS-compliant message brokers must support a first-in, first-out ('queue') and a publish-subscribe ('topic') messaging model. Topic subscribers can be ephemeral or durable; that is, they can ask for messages to be discarded or retained when they are not connected. JMS 2.0 introduces some refinements to this model: in particular, durable subscriptions can now be exclusive or shared.
Kafka, by contrast, offers only a 'topic' messaging model, which is inherently shared and durable. In fact, JMS messaging model concepts don't really map all that well to Kafka, because of its notion of message retention -- a point I'll return to later.
Another striking difference between the JMS messaging model and Kafka is that Kafka imposes a key-value structure on each message. Both the key and value are just bytes, and can be formatted as the developer wishes. However, the key is not arbitrary -- messages with the same key are routed preferentially to the same broker. So while, as a matter of plain logic, we can just set all the key values to 'empty', doing so might affect message throughput.
It's perfectly possible to store a key-value combination in a JMS message, but the key would be considered part of the payload, not part of the routing logic. There isn't any way with JMS to control how messages are routed in a multi-broker installation. Of course, the brokers will try to be intelligent about this, but they are unlikely to be as intelligent as a human designer working in ideal conditions. These ideal conditions include being able to exploit Kafka's key-value routing to advantage, which is not practicable in every application. If the developer does not handle key-based routing properly, it can lead to repeated rebalancing of the Kafka cluster, which is inefficient.
Notwithstanding the key-value routing machinery, JMS brokers offer hugely more complex and powerful message distribution models that Kafka does. Part of the speed of Kafka, however, comes from its very simplicity.
Message retention
JMS brokers generally store messages until they have been consumed by every consumer that has an interest. After that, they are deleted.
In practice, the implementation is usually not like this. ActiveMQ uses a journalling message store, that records every messaging interaction between clients and brokers. These interactions remain in the broker's filesystem until entire journal files can be tidied up. This typically happens when every messaging interaction in a specific journal file, for every client, is completed. Still, from a JMS developer's perspective, a message has to be considered gone once it has been consumed.
Kafka also uses a journalling filesystem, but it exposes it to developers. The broker has a specific retention time, and messages live in the journal until that time is exceeded. After that point, the messages are removed, whether they have been read or not. Indefinite storage -- intentional or accidental -- is not a feature of Kafka.
So that Kafka can give consumers the illusion that messages are removed after consumption, each consumer (actually each consumer group) in a Kafka installation has an offset. The offset is the position in the journal which that consumer has read up to. The offsets are stored within the Kafka broker itself, using the same machinery that it uses to store message payloads.
Unlike JMS clients, however, Kafka clients can control their reading positions in the journal. There's nothing to stop a client reading the same message multiple times, if it wishes. Sometimes the ability to do this is an advantage to the developer.
Because consumption does not trigger message deletion, making good use of storage in Kafka requires being able to judge a suitable retention policy. This policy will depend on the message throughput and size and, of course, the amount of storage available. My experience is that Kafka does not behave very well if it runs out of storage. To be fair, no message broker does, but Kafka seems particular prone to getting in a mess. Usually we have to overestimate the storage requirements, because running out is so destructive.
But JMS message brokers also have a retention problem -- it's just not so visible to administrators. In ActiveMQ, the way that journals are chained together means that an incomplete messaging operation in one journal file can prevent a whole chain of files being tidied up. It's not at all unusual for ActiveMQ to use ten times more storage than the sum total of message payloads would suggest.
Wire protocols
The JMS Specification has nothing to say about the way that message data is transmitted over a network. Vendors can choose the protocols they use. In practice, modern JMS brokers support multiple protocols; common choices are AMQP, STOMP, and MQTT. Both ActiveMQ 'classic' and Artemis have their own native protocols as well.
Clients of JMS brokers potentially have access to different client libraries to support these protocols. There are implementations of AMQP, for example, in Java, C++, C#, Python, and probably others. In fact, there are multiple implementations specifically for Java and C++.
Kafka, on the other hand, supports only one wire protocol -- its own. There is an official Java client for Kafka's native protocol, and unofficial clients for other languages. In the earlier days of Kafka, the wire protocol changed in ways that were not backwards compatible; this was inconvenient for integrators, because clients would have to be rebuilt and retested with each Kafka upgrade. However, the Kafka protocol has not changed significantly for several years, and we now rarely encounter such problems.
Because of Kafka's popularity, other messaging products have started to support the Kafka messaging protocol, even when they do not use Kafka internally. Microsoft's Azure Event Bus is an example: this service is somewhat inter-operable with Kafka, such that the same clients can use both, to some extent.
It's also possible, with the appropriate libraries, to make JMS client code work with Kafka, and Kafka clients to work with a JMS broker. However, as I hope is now clear, Kafka and JMS are so different that these intra-operability strategies are rarely very successful.
Message handling capabilities
As I've said, Kafka's messaging model is logically similar to a JMS shared durable subscription. This simple messaging model is accompanied by a correspondingly simple client interface: if a subscriber has messages available to it on a particular topic, at the offset stored, the subscriber will get the message. And that's it.
JMS, however, allows clients much more control over how (and whether) messages get passed from producer to consumer. For example, a client is able to specify an expiry time, after which the message will not be delivered at all. Consumers can use selectors to receive messages based on particular expressions. Producers can control how messages are grouped, such that they are received in a particular order.
Some JMS message brokers provide much more complex message handling. ActiveMQ ('classic') for example allows Apache Camel rules to be installed directly in the broker's JVM, to create very sophisticated routing policies. This is, perhaps, a case of giving the developer too much rope; it's not by accident that this feature isn't present in the Artemis release. Nevertheless, both ActiveMQ flavours allow the developer to control message routing in ways that would be completely impossible with Kafka alone.
In fact, a full list of things that JMS message brokers can do, that Kafka can't, would be longer than the whole of this article. For better or worse, Kafka is designed for speed, rather than versatility. You can implement complex message routing and processing using Kafka, but not with Kafka alone. You'd have to combine it with some external application code, perhaps based on Apache Camel.
My conversations with Kafka maintainers have confirmed that there are no plans to make Kafka more like a JMS broker, but offering a more versatile client API. The speed of Kafka largely follows from the fact that it doesn't have to do everything that a JMS broker is obliged to do.
Container-based deployment was already well established by the time that Kafka became popular. Strimzi in an implementation of Kafka for Kubernetes; it provides an operator that can deploy all the infrastructure for a typical Kafka install in almost a one-click operation. Of course, the installation can -- and nearly always should -- be tuned; but Kafka's configuration and deployment model lends itself nicely to containers.
This doesn't mean that Kafka is easy to deploy and maintain on Kubernetes; a production-quality installation isn't 'easy' anywhere. But container operation appears not to be an afterthought with Kafka.
Both flavours of ActiveMQ pre-date containers. Neither has a deployment or configuration model which is well-suited to containerization. That's not a fault, really: as a JMS broker, ActiveMQ is much more configuration than Kafka, and supports many more deployment and storage models. For example, Artemis supports the use of a relational database for the message store. Using a database means that we need a way to provide database-specific configuration in the container, but it also requires a way to integrate the database driver into the container, and such drivers are usually proprietary. Kafka has no such problems, because it does not have this flexibility in its storage. Work is underway to make Artemis play more nicely with Kubernetes, but it's going to take time.
Both Kafka and ActiveMQ can be used to implement interprocess messaging systems that are robust and fast. It's arguably easier to get optimal throughput with Kafka than any JMS-compliant broker; but careless design can easily rob Kafka of its inherent advantages in this area.
On the other hand, Kafka is optimized for simple point-to-point raw message delivery. Its speed advantage largely follows from the simplicity of its distribution model. All JMS-based brokers have greater flexibility in client-broker interaction than Kafka does, or is ever likely to.