December 2023

This article describes what I think is the simplest possible Kafka Connect set-up, using a single-node Kafka installation. To ensure that the principles are clear, I use only a text editor and command-line tools to run the Connect infrastructure and deploy the connector.
Categories: middleware

This article describes what I think is the simplest possible Kafka Connect on Strimzi -- the Kubernetes implementation of Kafka. If follows from an earlier article about using Kafka Connect on bare metal.
Categories: middleware

The Raspberry Pi has a bunch of GPIO pins we can use to connect push-buttons. But how do we interface push-buttons to an application that expects only keyboard input?
Categories: Raspberry Pi, electronics, Linux

Attaching high-capacity hard disks has always been a bit of a problem for the Raspberry Pi. In this article I describe a simple modification to a Waveshare USB HAT, that allows it to power both the attached drives and also the Pi itself.
Categories: Raspberry Pi, electronics