Using Apache Avro for passing Java objects through a message broker
Avro is a compact, schema-based data representation that is
becoming increasingly important in messaging applications. See how
it might be used with JMS.
Command-line hacking: Moon phases
Estimating the phase of the Moon using the Linux Bash shell and
standard command-line utilities.
Kafka Connect from the ground up
A simple demonstration of Kafka Connect, from first
principles. Part 1 of a series.
Containers have become hugely important in the
IT industry, and Linux provides numerous technologies to build, run,
and orchestrate containers. This series of articles demonstrates how
to build a minimal, but workable, Linux container infrastructure from
the ground up, using only command-line tools.
Getting to grips with JMS shared subscriptions
A step-by-step introduction to this poorly-understood feature of
JMS 2.0.
Android custom ROMs: are they a security hazard?
Cellphone vendors warn about installing 3rd-party firmware, but their
own security standards are not above reproach. Which is the least
worst approach to security?
Bayesian statistics for beginners
An explanation from first principles of this much-misunderstood
principle of statistical inference.
A very brief overview of Kotlin for Java developers
A concise summary of how Kotlin compares with Java, and how Kotlin
code runs on a Java JVM.
Rolling your own minimal embedded Linux for the Raspberry Pi
A series of articles on building your own Rapsberry Pi Linux installation,
for lightweight, appliance applications.
Why the fascination with retrocomputing?
Why do so many IT professionals like to tinker with vintage
computers and software?