ws2txt ------ A rudimentary utility for converting WordStar (v4 and earlier) files to plain ASCII text, or viewing them on screen. WordStar version 5 and later saves files that are almost human-readable -- at least when only ASCII characters are used. Version 4 and earlier use the high bit of some bytes in the document to carry formatting hints. It is these spurious high bits that make WS documents difficult to read as plain text. Usage ----- ws2txt [/v] [/h] [/p] [/o text_file] {wordstar_file} The switches are case-insensitive (which is unavoidable on CP/M), and you can use `-` rather than `/` if preferred. If no `/o` (output) switch is given, output is to standard out. The `/p` switch specifies that output is to written a page (screen) at a time, with a prompt to display the next line or page. This switch has no effect if output is to a file. `/h` shows the help message; `\v` shows the version.