lz77: a file compressor/decompressor for CP/M, compatible with Linux ==================================================================== "lz77" is a file compressor and decompressor that uses the Lempel-Ziv 1977 algorithm. A Linux version is available that is (almost) fully inter-operable with the CP/M version. Thus, files can be compressed on Linux, an then decompressed on CP/M. "lz77cat" uncompresses a file directly to the console, with a rudimentary paging facility. Example ------- To compress "foo.txt" to "foo.lz7" A> lz77 /C /I foo.txt /O foo.lz7 To decompress: A> lz77 /D /I foo.lz7 /O foo.txt To view the compressed file on the console: A> lz77cat foo.lz7 Author ------ lz77 is maintained by Kevin Boone, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU public licence, v3.0.