ls: an implementation of the Unix `ls` file lister for CP/M ----------------------------------------------------------- "ls" is a file lister for CP/M, broadly similar to the Unix utility of the same name. Usage ----- A> ls [options] [drive:pattern] [drive:pattern]... Options can be specified using the '/' or '-' characters. With no options, ls lists the current drive, in wide format, in alphabetical order. The drive/pattern specification can contain wildcards (see below), such as "b:*.com". Options ------- -b : In 'long' format, display file size in CP/M blocks rather than bytes/kilobytes -l : Display in long format, one file to a line, including file attributes and size. Attributes are displayed like this: [RSA] where R=read-only, S=system, A=archive. -p : Display a page at a time. After each page, hit 'enter' to advance by one line, 'space' to advance by a page, or ctrl-c to exit. -r : Sort in the opposite order to the default (i.e., reverse alphabetic order). -s : Sort by size. -u : Unsorted -- do not sort at all. -x : Sort by file extension. Wildcards --------- * and ? can be used as wildcards. "*.com" matches anything that has the extension `com`. "c*.com" matches anything that begins with 'c', and has the extension "com". "*" is treated the same as "*.com". "*" matches anything _without_ an extension. "*.*" matches everything, with or without extension. Specifying this as a pattern is equivalent to just specifying the drive letter ("C:") Notes ----- Sorting files, particular by name, can be slow on low-powered systems. Use "-u" to turn off sorting if necessary. File sizes are displayed in kB when larger than 1 kB. Author ------ ls is maintained by Kevin Boone, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU public licence, v3.0.