Disk usage utility for CP/M =========================== "du" is a file storage reporter for CP/M, loosely modeled on the Unix utility of the same name. It reports the number of files, the number of disk blocks, and the total size, of files that match a pattern. Usage ----- A> du {/dhv} {file patterns...} Run "du /h" for details of the command-line switches. Switches can be given together or as separate arguments; the switch character is either "/" or "-". Examples -------- A> du Show totals for all files on the current drive. A> du b: Show totals for all files on drive B. A> du d:*.asm Show totals for all files that match the pattern. Giving the `/d` (details) switch will make `du` report the sizes of individual files, rather than just a total. Author ------ scalc is maintained by Kevin Boone, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU public licence, v3.0.