cwordle -- a Wordle-like word guessing game =========================================== cwordle is a console-based word-guessing game with similarities to Wordle. How to play ----------- Guess five-letter words. The default word list has no proper nouns, so letter case is not significant. All words are British English, but some are obscure, and some are vulgar. For each guess the program displays which guessed letters are in the right place in the secret word, which are in the wrong place, and which are not in the secret word at all. These letters are shown on a five-column grid. A letter that is in the correct place is show like this: !X!. Some words have repeated letters, and these create a particular challenge, because the program won't tell you how many times a letter appears. Play continues until you guess the word, or hit ctrl+c. As an added irritation, the program won't tell you the secret word unless you actually guess it. There are no cheats or hints. Author ------ cwordle is maintained by Kevin Boone, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public Licence, v3.0.